In the majority of stores that sell electronics and components such as audio cables, the clerks are employed on commission. The fact is, their pay largely comes from a percentage of their sales. Therefore, it’s often in their best interests to sell you the priciest item in the store, whether you need it or not.
We bring this up only to give some context to this next statement: There’s really no such thing as a “best” audio cable, or even a “better” audio cable, or in fact, even a “low quality” audio cable or “high quality” audio cable.
The truth is that that a gold plated cable doesn’t give you any better sound quality than a standard one dollar cable. If you want to get the best possible setup for your sound system, then what you should be thinking about rather than the quality or value of the cable itself is whether or not it fits in with your setup.
Getting the best sound is really just about how you want to set up. You have a number of options, here. In terms of technical quality, it essentially comes down to how many channels the cables deliver.